"Bobcat Moretti" is a heart-wrenching psychological drama
about an obese Multiple Sclerosis patient who takes up his late father’s sport of boxing to overcome immense personal tragedy and find inner peace.
The writer and star, Tim Realbuto, has a mission to create an inspirational narrative to accompany his real-life weight loss journey through boxing. We have a team of doctors, trainers, and nutritionists assisting Tim with his weight loss goal.
Tim Realbuto (Bobcat), surpassed Christian Bale's 65 lbs weight loss for a film record by shedding 137 lbs for "Bobcat Moretti".
The first half of the film was shot in September, 2020, when Tim weighed in at 398 lbs. He weighed 261 lbs for the second half of filming in July, 2021.
The real beauty is that his acting is as impressive as his weight loss.
Call us "Rocky" meets "My Left Foot."
"Bobcat Moretti" will do for Multiple Sclerosis (MS), what "My Left Foot" did for Cerebral Palsy (CP) with the right publicity.
"Bobcat Moretti" is equally as strong and it is the first mainstream film with the main character fighting MS, a debilitating disease that seldom gets the public exposure it desperately needs.
Dawnmarie Deshaies, an authentic MS patient, is an Executive Producer, consultant, and spokeswoman for MS who has already helped us spread the word to the community including getting the support of MS patients and fellow filmmakers, Jason DaSilva (Sundance alum), Matthew Embry (Toronto alum), and David Lyons (MS advocate).
Ilan Rubin, the youngest inductee to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, and drummer of Nine Inch Nails for Trent Reznor, is making his original musical score debut for "Bobcat Moretti".
Our talented Editor, Taylor Brusky, was George Miller's Assistant Editor on the Oscar winning "Mad Max: Fury Road".